The Ultimate Guide to Sleeping Well Despite Your Insomnia


Staying up all night is fun as long as you are doing it out of choice. However, if you are spending your night rolling and struggling in bed, trying to fall asleep. If you are an insomniac, you’re so familiar with this, and the frustration is beyond what words can fathom.

However, if you are tired of all the struggle and on the verge of giving up, here are a few tips that can help you. While it might look easier said than done, you can count on this list to help you get a good night’s sleep despite your insomnia.

Have a Sleep Routine

Our body thrives on routine. So, if you have been experiencing difficulty falling asleep, see if you can build a sleep routine. Having a list of tasks that you do before bedtime every day can help your body build a cycle. It prepares your body to sleep as soon as you finish the bedtime routine chores. That’s because your body starts anticipating the next action in line. Always hit the bed at a fixed time. This helps your body have a regular circadian rhythm, and that’s crucial if you wish to have a good night’s sleep.

Take a Warm Shower

Relax your body and let the muscles calm down. Run a hot shower and wash away your worries before hitting the bed. This calms down the nerves and relaxes your body and brain. It thus makes it easy for you to fall asleep.

However, if you do not want to take a shower before your bedtime, you can just soak your feet in a tub of warm water for a while. You can add a few bath salts or a tab bit of aroma oil to give yourself that extra bit of relaxation.

Skip the Nap

No matter how tired you are or how tempting it seems, do not nap during the day. This will only keep you up for a little longer at night. When you resist the urge to nap during the day, you are more likely to be exhausted at night and sleep as soon as you hit the bed. If you feel your eyelids getting heavier and hard to resist the nap, take a short walk, or watch a quick video or two, which will help you stay up.

Cut Down on Alcohol

While the common belief is that alcohol helps people sleep better, it does the opposite of it. When you consume alcohol, you increase your risk of snoring, sleep apnea, and end up having a disturbed sleep cycle. So, if you are trying to sleep better, the first thing to do is to cut down on your alcohol intake. If that’s difficult, you can try reducing the amount of alcohol you consume closer to your bedtime.

Have an early Dinner

Findings from numerous research suggest that people who have their meals at least four hours before their bedtime tend to sleep better. So, make sure you have an early dinner. However, if you have to eat just a few hours before your bedtime, try to keep it light.

A high carbs diet increases the chances of insomnia. Also, follow a regular dining time to make sure your digestive process does not end up hindering your sleep cycle.

Reschedule Your Gym Time

When you exercise, your body releases a lot of oxytocin and builds energy that keeps your body ready to go for a few more hours. While that’s great for the start of the day, it only makes it difficult for you to fall asleep at night. So, make sure you do not exercise, run, or indulge in adrenaline rushing activities before your bedtime. It will end up making you stay awake for longer than you will wish to.

Light from electronic devices hinder your sleep cycle, so you can try cutting down on those too. While most of us are scrolling through our smartphones until we fall asleep, it’s important to break the habit. We hope these tips come in handy and help you fall asleep. You can also practice meditation and breathing exercises to help sleep better. Research shows that breathing fast for a few minutes will help you fall asleep instantly.