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The sport of powerlifting is one that was spawned from bodybuilding training as many of the desired outcomes are essentially the same for both sports. The techniques and practices in bodybuilding training and powerlifting training can benefit each other, however the major difference is in the…
They Don’t Know Squat
There seems to be much confusion amongst trainers and trainees as to whether squats should be performed all the way…
Doing Deadlift Exercises the Proper Way
Individuals who want to improve their strength, posture, and overall health usually include dead lift exercises in…
Power Lifting and Comparisons
Do you know that power lifting is a sport that came from bodybuilding and one of the many goals are about the same?…
Weight Lifting Belts
The weight lifting belts was first introduced in Olympic power lifting. Weight lifting belts has two main uses in…
The Ultimate Beginner Weightlifting Routine
Looking for the ultimate beginner fitness routine? Don’t just randomly do exercises. In order to see the best…
Body Building Exercises
In a body building program, the exercises that you do can make all the difference between an effective program and…